Monday, 26 December 2011

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

What is going in my mind right now....

  • Need to deliver training to folks from all around the world. Loads of thing to do. Scary. 
  • My mother , aunt and grand mother are in town and i would love to spend time with them.
  • Need to take tangible steps towards my next career move. 
  • I have hurt my back and on a 3 day bed rest.  Missing Gym. 

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Laundry list for Seattle Trip

1) Buy an acoustic guitar. I hope they pack it well.
2) XBOX Kinect for Dad. What do I buy for mom ?
3) Date with Daniela.
4) Jaybird bluetooth headset for my gym.

Still thinking...........


It took me a month to change back  the design of this blog.  I find the template a but girly.  Every man has a woman in him too.  lol.  They call it estrogen. 

Monday, 7 November 2011

Boy hair cut

                I have a thing for girls with boy haircut.  I grew up with my younger brother and we had no real sisters.   I have loved my brother's company so much.  And no other person's company has ever replaced it. I was the darkest kid in the school, whick i realized very young.  So all the relatively fairer skin girls never found it interesting to have an chat with me . Courtesy to media of my type in India , the perception of of beuty created is being fair.  This gave me an opportunity to have some really good male friends all my school days and I cannot say i did not have a ball of time those days. Its like i grew up in boy's school.  I can tell after 31 years that I have not enjoyed any woman's company without regrets and string attached.  Either I had some ulterior motives or they had no choice to be with me.  Only becaue of peer presure ( like everyone has a bycle , or every one is playing vedio games) i had to get a girl friend.  After she was officialy my Girl friend, I use to avoid her.  I think my teenage hormones was supppressed infront of such bieng.  A woman.

 I get intimidated with woman who have great womanly feature.  I perceive them as a totally different specie. They do not understand anything what I believe and interested in and if I force my thoughts in them, they then find me boring. So what is with the boy hair cut girls. I think they are tom boyish.  

wiki says 

"""""A tomboy is a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of the gender role of a boy,[1] including the wearing of typically masculine-oriented clothes and engaging in games and activities that are often physical in nature, and which are considered in many cultures to be the domain of boys. Occasionally, such girls are called tomgirls.""""""

     Do I know any boy haircut girl around.  I have always been attracted to them(like TV personals or someone i did not knew) .  But if I think really hard, I have not known anyone.  I know that my friend’s wife says that she was tom boyish. And me and my friend really like her company.  We can go hours talking to her. I remember, all the woman I was fond of where someone who understood men very well.  Woman who were all girly from top to bottom, i somehow ran away from them. 

  Why do women have boy haircut after all.  Probably they look better in that haircut.  But i fear, since i have not known any girl with a boy hair personally , i think they might also inherit the bad habits of men too.  Like they can be really violent sometimes or they only think about themselves. It could be that they as selfish as men are .  Like my career, my house, my parents, my friends, my freedom, my my my.  Also they can have a lot of courage and dangerously inconsiderate. :)   Men are not like that, but they do can end up doing a lot of things that even other men will be astonished with. 

  So in short, i would love to know some boy hair-cut girl.  Let me know if my-self. 

Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Cycle

  So in 3 days , we(me and my dad) now know how it works.  So puffy is a 6 month old baby.  Remember , he has been taken away from her mother at a young age.  So he needs caressing. It works . He loves it.  I was caressing his back and he was enjoying it. Then he simply flipped over and was on his back. Dogs love someone caressing their stomach. I like if someone caresses me anywhere. We all need Human touch or if I put it in other words - we all need to be loved and caressed. enough of Girly talks....

   So Puffy eats, he is full of energy. He then becomes a menace. So at that time we take him out for walk.  3 Km and he is done. After that he is dead meat.  He is just lying around. Peace for us.  They are full of energy in the morning.   We were late by 1 hour for his morning walk( I was just taking a 1 hour extra sleep because of Diwali Holiday) and puffy tore everything he could lay his paws on. The biggest damage was the Flower Vass we have with fake flowers.  It a cycle.  he eats -->> full of energy-->> then we take out for walk--->>then he sleeps--->> then he eats.  and it goes on and one.

            This is the case for human babies too.  I am sure it i more difficult to handle them- cause humans have a bigger brain . you know.  Hats off to all parents who go through this.  I think for newly weds, having a pet if a good pretext for having their own baby one day.  It tests your patience, tests how much responsibility you can take, how much team work you have , how well you manage and strategies.  For Single Men having pets is even better.  After getting experience in clean your pets poos and keeping in clean, single men can learn how to be cleaner, keep things in right  place, start taking responsibility  . Instead of lying around and watch TV, Eat and dream. 

Monday, 24 October 2011


    Ah! i just need a reason to research.  I am not sure where did i get this habit. Could be from my work, which requires lot of research which primary includes surfing the net and some in house docs.  I research on almost everything.  Bodybuilding, Food place, travel options, electronic, air tickets, medicines. So my this weeks topic is related how to make dog well behaved.  Puffy is really a menace, and i am sure there were many who either overcame this problem or just got use to the problem.  I do not want to do later.  

How to Stop Your Dog From Humping

This is great. First i like the idea of me playing the alpha dog. I will now arrange for a water spray.  So i will use the spray and in a stern voice say "NOOOO".  Lets see if it works



    So my first experience with Puffy was an eye opener.  He is 6 months old and all he wants to do is hump my leg.  That shows humping is innate and so natural.  Whats annoying is , puffy needs full time attention. But it is like a baby, he needs to play play play and then sleep.  Full of energy.

    I am not sure what kind of joy do pet owners get.  Puffy was adorable when he was small , but now in 6 month he is a relentless bugging creature. All he wants is bite and hump. Do we feel the same kind of feeling when you have a human baby.  Probably because of the society , we have babies, or because of maternal and paternal hormones  and when you come to face the realities, you regret.  

That's my friend in the background. i am sure he is relieved to leave the dogie with me.  He is asking me to allow puffy to sleep with me in my bed.  I am not what all he will chop off when i am sleeping.  I can be open to anything under the sun bit not sharing my bed with a dog.  I think I need to be hard with puffy.  One prodigious roar should keep him away from me.  I was looking forward to the morning walk that i will have with puffy. .. if he lets me sleep. 

Doggie :)

    One of many desires I had when I was a kid, was to have a doggie. I use to get open resistance from mother , who claimed there were already 3 doggies in the house then why need 4th.. you , your bro and you father.   Now all grown up  macho man(hunk), I tried to reignite the idea in my family and now the reason is who will take care of him when you not there.  Mom says , we are too old and you are never at home.  Another good one I use to get  from them frequently was that in a flat you cannot have a dog muddling around , pets need outdoors, like a lawn.  The real reason is they fear that i will not take any responsibility for the dog after the initial excitement dies of and they would end up clearing his poop .  Parents are always correct and I guess, I believed in them more even at the expense of my desires.  

  Aye Aye, look how fate favored me this time. By the way i believe, that whatever you wish in your life, you end up getting them sooner or later.  You just don't realize it most often that you have got it.  .. My friend and his wife are going for F1 to Delhi.  They now need to keep their 6 months Labrador with me. Probably they feel i would not say no.  Why would i say no....  
Upon making them aware of the fact that my father can be a spoilsport, my friend and wife landed up at my doorstep with the Doggie , just one day before their flight.  I myself was scared how my father would react.  My dad being a good person by heart , could not refuse the couple.  The couple were at their diplomatic charming best. My dad had no chance.  So , it was decided , I have to take up the chore of taking him for a walk in the morning and also clear his poop whenever and wherever it applies. Puffy all confused at his new temporary residence, made himself comfortable.  Me and the couple went to dinner at a nearby Chinese joint,  while we left puffy and my father to get better acquainted.  On my return I could see my poor father's reaction.  Puffy someone liked my father's lungi and wanted more of it(yes my dad wears lungi at home, probably i might too after 20 years).   He happened to litter his evening snaks all over the drawing room as well.  Ok , i am not surprised by all this and till now i did not get affected as well.  What can you expect from a 6 month old dogie. The real test is tomorrow when  I take him for a morning walk.  looking forward to it.  .. I am expecting lots of attention from the ladies.  heeee :)

Sunday, 23 October 2011


New Learning- My dear friend says "Referring to the opposite sex as females is derogatory, you should rather use the word lady" .  


    I am not a linguist,  rather my colleagues say I am bad at writing, I personally feel that my vocab is pure negligence.  But I promise, I will make sure I really mend my ways here.   What I perceive of many other bloggers here, is their infatuation with using good words to showcase their intellect.  They get most of it by being avid readers from an early age.  You start early the better you are.   I was never good in vocab, but i was good in maths.  After 3 decades  of existence , I categorize people in  primarily 2 categories. People who are good in maths and bad in languages, and the other group are vice versa.  People who are good in both are Smart.
  So here I was, sweating it out in my gym.  I had joined it almost 10 months back and had lost 11 kilos and still going strong. I happened to admire this girl in the gym for sometime now.  I tried to find her existence on the internet   All I knew was here first name and probably where she worked.  Courtesy- Juice Man.  I stumbled across her blog and realized she was an excellent blogger. Her blogs had many admirers too. Actually, I was not surprised by her intellect, caused she defiantly looked intellectual. Probably the spectacle gives that perception.  I swept through her pages and somehow enjoyed how she puts beautiful words together. They sound great.  So that is  how the idea of  having my own blog was planted in my brain.  I am not sure if i can sound as interesting as she is, but let me try.