Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Cycle

  So in 3 days , we(me and my dad) now know how it works.  So puffy is a 6 month old baby.  Remember , he has been taken away from her mother at a young age.  So he needs caressing. It works . He loves it.  I was caressing his back and he was enjoying it. Then he simply flipped over and was on his back. Dogs love someone caressing their stomach. I like if someone caresses me anywhere. We all need Human touch or if I put it in other words - we all need to be loved and caressed. enough of Girly talks....

   So Puffy eats, he is full of energy. He then becomes a menace. So at that time we take him out for walk.  3 Km and he is done. After that he is dead meat.  He is just lying around. Peace for us.  They are full of energy in the morning.   We were late by 1 hour for his morning walk( I was just taking a 1 hour extra sleep because of Diwali Holiday) and puffy tore everything he could lay his paws on. The biggest damage was the Flower Vass we have with fake flowers.  It a cycle.  he eats -->> full of energy-->> then we take out for walk--->>then he sleeps--->> then he eats.  and it goes on and one.

            This is the case for human babies too.  I am sure it i more difficult to handle them- cause humans have a bigger brain . you know.  Hats off to all parents who go through this.  I think for newly weds, having a pet if a good pretext for having their own baby one day.  It tests your patience, tests how much responsibility you can take, how much team work you have , how well you manage and strategies.  For Single Men having pets is even better.  After getting experience in clean your pets poos and keeping in clean, single men can learn how to be cleaner, keep things in right  place, start taking responsibility  . Instead of lying around and watch TV, Eat and dream. 

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